Saturday, June 13, 2015

Mt. Tilicho

Tilicho peak climbing is one of the difficult climbing peaks in Nepal as it range to 7135m form the sea level and also located in the complicated Manang valley route. Climbing of Mt. Tilicho gives a great experience of mountain climb and exhilarating panoramic views of Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri, Tibetan plateau and deepest valley of Kali Gandaki. Tilicho Peak base camp is set on the lap of Tilicho Lake. Tilicho Lake is the world highest Lake situated in the Annapurna range at height of 4819m. There will be three high camp established in the approach to the summit of Peak Tilicho. Camp 1 at 5800m is located a long way away through the ridges of the mountain and Camp 2 is located at a height of approximately 6200m. If you are seeking the thrill of adventure and wish to widen your experience towards the peak climbing beyond simply trekking in Nepal, this Tilicho Peak climbing can be the wonderful adventure and experience forever.

During Tilicho Peak Climb Nepal's spectacular diversity appears at its finest deep valleys and high mountains encircling the giant Annapurna Himal embrace a wide range of peoples and terrain, from subtropical forest to a high, dry landscape resembling with the Tibetan Plateau. The climbing of Tilicho Peak follows valleys and canyons up one side of the Annapurna Massif with magnificent views of Mt. Annapurna Ranges, Mt. Fishtail and many more breathtaking Himalayas. Mount Tilicho Peak Climbing leads you to the fine village inhabited by a wide diversity of people from different ethnic groups, offering spectacular and majestic views of the white Himalayas.

Nepal Mt. Tilicho Peak climbing is a huge opportunity to discover roughly Nepal’s Himalaya’s diverse combination, experience dramatic mountain sequence with finest vistas and ultimate opportunity to hug the dreamy Tilicho peak.

Day 01: Greetings at Kathmandu Airport
Day 02: A full day recreational tour of Kathmandu, the capital valley
Day 03: Drive Kathmandu to Besi Sahar (820m)
Day 04: Besisahar/Bhulbhule to Bahundanda (1270m)
Day 05: Bahundanda to Chamje (1410m)
Day 06: Chamje to Bagarchhap (2160m)
Day 07: Bagarchhap to Chame (2710m)
Day 08: Chame to Pisang (3210m)
Day 09: Pisang to Manang (3540m)
Day 10: Acclimatization day at Manang
Day 11: Manang trekking to Khangsar village (3734m)
Day 12: Khangsar Village to Tilicho lake base camp (4150m)
Day 13: Base camp to Tilicho Lake (4920m)
Day 14-32: Peak Climbing period of Tilicho peak (7135m)
Day 33: Tilicho base camp to Yak Kharka (4000m)
Day 34: Yak Kharka to Thorong Phedi (4420m)
Day 35: Phedi trekking to Muktinath (3800m)
Day 36: Muktinath to Jomsom (2713m) via Kagbeni (2810m)
Day 37: Jomsom fly to Pokhara
Day 38: Pokhara to Kathmandu
Day 39: Free day in Kathmandu
Day 40: Final Departure

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